Tea Tan & Toned
I have a huge obsession with tea, its probably because I hate coffee more then anything, the smell even grosses me out. So tea is my morning wake up call, my caffeine, my fix. I literally have asked for tea for christmas a few times thats how much I like it. I was reading TIME Health and Family which explains why tea is not only delicious but good for you. The main reasons that stood out to me were:
-It boosts exercise endurance
-Hydrates your body
-Reduces the risk of heart attack
-The antioxidants helps prevent cancer
-Protects you from UV rays
Green tea is also known for increasing metabolism. It has been proven that one can burn about 70-80 additional calories a day just by drinking 5 cups of green tea. It's a yummy and simple way to help your body with out even thinking about it.

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